9. 11. 2018 New EIA binding statement for D4 issued

The Ministry of Environment has today released the text of the new binding EIA statement for the remaining 32 km of the D4 motorway, which is included in the PPP project, on the Cenia portal.

The Ministry of Environment has today released the text of the new binding EIA statement for the remaining 32 km of the D4 motorway, which is included in the PPP project, on the Cenia portal. Together with the text of the binding opinion, an authorised person opinion is also published. By issuing the binding statement a repeated EIA process culminated and MoE confirmed that the D4 motorway is feasible in the territory without major negative environmental impacts. The assessment was carried out in accordance with the most recent version of the EIA Act implementing the relevant EIA EU Directive. EIA process documentation is available on the Cenia website https://portal.cenia.cz/eiasea/detail/EIA_MZP479.
